What do you think of when you hear the words 4-H Camp? Canoeing, swimming, team building activities, crafts, outdoor activities and campfires? All of these come to the minds of 4-H'ers who have attended one of Henry County 4-H's most popular traditions.The tradition, as we know it, is different this year. 2020 has brought about very different experiences for 4-H'ers. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the early cancellation of camps across the state of Ohio. Ohio 4-H Camps remain closed through August 31, 2020 eliminating the opportunity for our 4-H'ers to attend camp face-to-face. This is inline with the first priority of camp- providing a safe enviroment for campers. According to Hannah Epley, Interim Associate State 4-H Leader and OSU Extension Specialist for camping and older youth, "The uncertainity surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and the planning that needs to happen months prior to the start of 4-H camps, it was in the best interest of campers to cancel face-to-face interactions."
With a summer without 4-H camp, many Extension Educators have developed alternatives for youth to stay engaged in 4-H camping and other activities. Henry County is on board and ready for youth to experience camp though virtually. While campers won't be staying in cabins, eating in the dining hall or engaging in cabin activities, activities such as 9 Square in the Air and GaGa Ball, cabin videos and more, Henry County 4-H'ers and non-4-H'ers can opt to attend a virtual camp for free. Camp Counselors have continued to plan 3 days of activities, challenges and learning. Youth, ages 8/9 and just completed 3rd grade through 8th grade are invited to participate in the virtual camp June 24, 25, 26. There will be a combination of Zoom meetings, Facebook post challenges and Facebook Live times during the day that will engage youth in creative arts, physical activities and positive leisure time use. Daily theme's included in this year's "Camp Adventures of 2020" include Wednesday June 24th "Everest to the Eiffel", Thursday June 25th: "Sea, Sand, Showers" and Friday June 26th: "Salsa to Siesta" Join us for "Camp Adventures of 2020"!
To attend, simply register by going to: https://go.osu.edu/hc4-hcampadventures2020 Campers will receive an email that provides the complete camp schedule, a camp "list" of supplies and other information once you submit your registration. Questions? Contact Laura Rohlf, Extension Educator, 4-H at rohlf.2@osu.edu or 419-592-0806. We hope to "see you" at "Camp Adventures 2020"!